Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola (Vieillot, 1817)

Very rare, passage migrant. May occur between August & October.

  1. One, 13th May 1963 (G. Sweet, M.A. Wootton). Seen & heard.
  2. One, 24th Aug. 1969 (P.J. Chadwick). Trapped.

Aquatic Warbler numbers have fallen in recent years in Britain, most likely a result of declines in the breeding populations linked to habitat loss, although loss of access for ringers to key staging reed beds in southern England, may also be a contributory factor to fewer records.

The first record was given as: “One singing, BL, May 13 (G.S., M.A.W.). When first heard was thought to be a Sedge Warbler but song less harsh; when located perched on top of low hedge, the prominent creamy-buff crown and eye stripes were well seen; whole underparts appeared silvery grey.”



  1. Davis, H.H. et al., Bristol Bird Report, 1963.
  2. Davis, H.H., Somerset Birds, 1963.
  3. Davis, H.H. et al., Bristol Bird Report, 1969.
  4. Davis, H.H. et al., Somerset Birds, 1969.

Last update: 1st December 2024