Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria ssp. tircis (Godart, 1821)
Top End, Blagdon Lake © Nigel Milbourne 2006
Butterflies Photo Gallery
Annotated Site Butterfly List [2020 Revision]
Order Lepidoptera (Moths & Butterflies)
Family Hesperiidae (Skippers)
- 57.002 Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus malvae (Linnaeus, 1758), 23rd May 2019 (R. Higgins). Extremely rare.
- 57.005 Essex Skipper Thymelicus lineola (Ochsenheimer, 1808), 2013 (N.R. Milbourne). Uncommon.
- 57.006 Small Skipper Thymelicus sylvestris (Poda, 1761), 2011 (N.R. Milbourne). Scarce.
- 57.009 Large Skipper Ochlodes sylvanus (Esper, 1777), 2003 (N.R. Milbourne). Uncommon.
Sub-total 4 spp.
Family Pieridae (Whites & Yellows)
- 58.003 Orange-tip Anthocharis cardamines
- Orange-tip Anthocharis cardamines ssp. britannica (Verity, 1908), 2000 (N.R. Milbourne). Fairly common.
- 58.006 Large White Pieris brassicae (Linnaeus, 1758), 2000 (N.R. Milbourne). Fairly common.
- 58.007 Small White Pieris rapae (Linnaeus, 1758), 2000 (N.R. Milbourne). Fairly common.
- 58.008 Green-veined White Pieris napi
- Green-veined White Pieris napi ssp. sabellicae (Stephens, 1827), 2000 (N.R. Milbourne). Common.
- 58.010 Clouded Yellow Colias croceus
- Clouded Yellow Colias croceus ssp. croceus f. croceus (Geoffroy, 1785), 2000 (N.R. Milbourne). Very scarce.
- 58.013 Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni
- Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni ssp. rhamni (Linnaeus, 1758), 2000 (N.R. Milbourne). Uncommon.
Sub-total 6 spp.
Family Nymphalidae (Browns, Fritillaries & Aristocrats)
- 59.002 Wall Lasiommata megera (Linnaeus, 1767), 2010 (N.R. Milbourne). Extremely rare.
- 59.003 Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria
- Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria ssp. tircis (Godart, 1821), 2000 (N.R. Milbourne). Common.
- 59.005 Small Heath Coenonympha pamphilus
- Small Heath Coenonympha pamphilus ssp. pamphilus (Linnaeus, 1758), 2004 (N.R. Milbourne).
- 59.009 Ringlet Aphantopus hyperantus (Linnaeus, 1758), 2001 (N.R. Milbourne). Fairly common.
- 59.010 Meadow Brown Maniola jurtina
- Meadow Brown Maniola jurtina ssp. insularis Thomson, 1969, 2000 (N.R. Milbourne). Abundant.
- 59.011 Gatekeeper Pyronia tithonus
- Gatekeeper Pyronia tithonus ssp. britanniae (Verity, 1915), 2000 (N.R. Milbourne). Common.
- 59.012 Marbled White Melanargia galathea
- Marbled White Melanargia galathea ssp. serena Verity, 1913, 2000 (N.R. Milbourne). Fairly common.
- 59.017 Silver-washed Fritillary Argynnis paphia
- Silver-washed Fritillary Argynnis paphia ssp. paphia f. paphia (Linnaeus, 1758), 2010 (N.R. Milbourne). Scarce.
- 59.019 Dark Green Fritillary Speyeria aglaja (Linnaeus, 1758), 2020 (M. Cottis, photo). Extremely rare.
- 59.023 Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta (Linnaeus, 1758), 2000 (N.R. Milbourne). Fairly common.
- 59.024 Painted Lady Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus, 1758), 2003 (N.R. Milbourne). Very scarce.
- 59.026 Peacock Aglais io (Linnaeus, 1758), 2000 (N.R. Milbourne). Common.
- 59.027 Small Tortoiseshell Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758), 2000 (N.R. Milbourne). Common.
- 59.031 Comma Polygonia c-album
- Comma Polygonia c-album ssp. c-album (Linnaeus, 1758), 2000 (N.R. Milbourne). Uncommon.
- 59.033 Marsh Fritillary Euphydryas aurinia (Rottemburg, 1775), 2011 (N.R. Milbourne). Extremely rare.
Sub-total 15 spp.
Family Lycaenidae (Coppers, Hairstreaks & Blues)
- 61.001 Small Copper Lycaena phlaeas
- Small Copper Lycaena phlaeas ssp. eleus (Fabricius, 1798), 2000 (N.R. Milbourne). Uncommon.
- 61.004 Purple Hairstreak Favonius quercus (Linnaeus, 1758), 2002 (N.R. Milbourne). Scarce.
- 61.012 Holly Blue Celastrina argiolus
- Holly Blue Celastrina argiolus ssp. britanna (Verity, 1919), 2001 (N.R. Milbourne). Uncommon.
- 61.018 Common Blue Polyommatus icarus
- Common Blue Polyommatus icarus ssp. icarus (Rottemburg, 1775), 2000 (N.R. Milbourne). Fairly common.
Sub-total 4 spp.
Total 29 spp.
Key to abundance:
Extremely rare – five or less records
Very rare – twenty or less records
Rare – less than annual; many years between records
Very scarce – less than annual; typically every 2 or 3 years
Scarce – very small numbers virtually every year
Uncommon – recorded in low numbers each year
Fairly common – occurs in reasonable numbers
Common – regularly occurs in good numbers
Abundant – occurs in large numbers
Bibliography (sources of information):
Agassiz, D.J.L., Beavan, S.D. & Heckford R.J., 2013. A checklist of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles. Field Studies Council, London.
Last update: 11th October 2024