Grey Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius (Linnaeus, 1758)

Ash Tree, Blagdon Lake © Nigel Milbourne, 2005

  1. One, not aged, Sep. 1926 (D. Carr).
  2. One, not aged, 1929 (per B.W. Tucker, D. Carr). First accepted record.
  3. One, not aged, autumn 1930 (D. Carr).
  4. One, not aged, 16th Sep. 1933 (S. Lewis).
  5. One, not aged, 19th Oct. 1935 (Rev. D.C. Urquhart per F.L. Blathwayt).
  6. One, not aged, 5th Sep. 1944 (per H.H. Davis, several observers).
  7. Two, not aged, 17th-18th Sep. 1950 (P.J. Chadwick), with one until 21st Sep. (B. King, A. McLaughlin).
  8. One, juvenile, 22nd-23rd Sep. 1984 (A. Merritt, A Whatley).
  9. One, juvenile to 1st-winter, 30th Aug. to 1st Sep. 1997 (R.A. Stone, N.R. Milbourne et al.).
  10. One, 1st-winter, 12th Oct. 2001 (A.H. Davis, J. Holmes, R. Mielcarek).
  11. One, juvenile to 1st-winter, 5th-6th Nov. 2005 (N.R. Milbourne, WeBS team et al.).
  12. One, probable adult, 12th-16th Nov. 2005 (N.R. Milbourne, M.I. Pearce, S. Isgar).
  13. One, juvenile to 1st-winter, 7th-9th Sep. 2011 (D. Northover, N.R. Milbourne et al.).
  14. One, juvenile to 1st-winter, 13th-14th Sep. 2011 (M.I. Pearce, N.R. Milbourne).
  15. One, adult winter, 22nd Sep. 2018 (N.R. Milbourne et al.).

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Bibliography (sources of information):

  1. Blaythwayt, Rev F.L. (ed.). Report on Somerset Birds, 1925. Somersetshire Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc.
  2. Blaythwayt, Rev F.L. (ed.). Report on Somerset Birds, 1929. Somersetshire Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc.
  3. Blaythwayt, Rev F.L. (ed.). Report on Somerset Birds, 1930. Somersetshire Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc.
  4. Blaythwayt, Rev F.L. (ed.). Report on Somerset Birds, 1933. Somersetshire Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc.
  5. Blaythwayt, Rev F.L. (ed.). Report on Somerset Birds, 1935. Somersetshire Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc.
  6. Carr, D. Report of Wells Nat. Hist. & Archael. Soc. for 1929.
  7. Carr, D. Report of Wells Nat. Hist. & Archael. Soc. for 1930.
  8. Davis, A.H. (ed.) Avon Bird Report, 1997. Avon Ornithological Group.
  9. Davis, A.H. (ed.) Avon Bird Report, 2001. Avon Ornithological Group.
  10. Davis, H.H. Ornithlogical Notes Bristol District, 1944. Bristol Naturalists’ Society.
  11. Davis H.H. 1948. A Revised List of the Birds of the Bristol District. Reprinted from the Proc. of the Bristol Naturalists’ Society, vol. XXVII, part IV, pp. 225-268. 1947.
  12. Rose, Dr H.E. (ed.). Avon Bird Report, 2005. Avon Ornithological Group.
  13. Rose, Dr H.E. (ed.). Avon Bird Report, 2011. Avon Ornithological Group.
  14. Lewis, S. Grey Phalarope & Other Waders at Blagdon Reservoir, Somerset. Brit. Birds 27: 233, Jan. 1934.
  15. Taylor, S.M. Avon Bird Report, 1984. Avon Ornithological Group.
  16. Tucker, B.W. (ed.). Report on Somerset Birds, 1950. Somersetshire Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc.