Grey Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius (Linnaeus, 1758)
Ash Tree, Blagdon Lake © Nigel Milbourne, 2005
- One, not aged, Sep. 1926 (D. Carr).
- One, not aged, 1929 (per B.W. Tucker, D. Carr). First accepted record.
- One, not aged, autumn 1930 (D. Carr).
- One, not aged, 16th Sep. 1933 (S. Lewis).
- One, not aged, 19th Oct. 1935 (Rev. D.C. Urquhart per F.L. Blathwayt).
- One, not aged, 5th Sep. 1944 (per H.H. Davis, several observers).
- Two, not aged, 17th-18th Sep. 1950 (P.J. Chadwick), with one until 21st Sep. (B. King, A. McLaughlin).
- One, juvenile, 22nd-23rd Sep. 1984 (A. Merritt, A Whatley).
- One, juvenile to 1st-winter, 30th Aug. to 1st Sep. 1997 (R.A. Stone, N.R. Milbourne et al.).
- One, 1st-winter, 12th Oct. 2001 (A.H. Davis, J. Holmes, R. Mielcarek).
- One, juvenile to 1st-winter, 5th-6th Nov. 2005 (N.R. Milbourne, WeBS team et al.).
- One, probable adult, 12th-16th Nov. 2005 (N.R. Milbourne, M.I. Pearce, S. Isgar).
- One, juvenile to 1st-winter, 7th-9th Sep. 2011 (D. Northover, N.R. Milbourne et al.).
- One, juvenile to 1st-winter, 13th-14th Sep. 2011 (M.I. Pearce, N.R. Milbourne).
- One, adult winter, 22nd Sep. 2018 (N.R. Milbourne et al.).
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Bibliography (sources of information):
- Blaythwayt, Rev F.L. (ed.). Report on Somerset Birds, 1925. Somersetshire Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc.
- Blaythwayt, Rev F.L. (ed.). Report on Somerset Birds, 1929. Somersetshire Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc.
- Blaythwayt, Rev F.L. (ed.). Report on Somerset Birds, 1930. Somersetshire Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc.
- Blaythwayt, Rev F.L. (ed.). Report on Somerset Birds, 1933. Somersetshire Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc.
- Blaythwayt, Rev F.L. (ed.). Report on Somerset Birds, 1935. Somersetshire Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc.
- Carr, D. Report of Wells Nat. Hist. & Archael. Soc. for 1929.
- Carr, D. Report of Wells Nat. Hist. & Archael. Soc. for 1930.
- Davis, A.H. (ed.) Avon Bird Report, 1997. Avon Ornithological Group.
- Davis, A.H. (ed.) Avon Bird Report, 2001. Avon Ornithological Group.
- Davis, H.H. Ornithlogical Notes Bristol District, 1944. Bristol Naturalists’ Society.
- Davis H.H. 1948. A Revised List of the Birds of the Bristol District. Reprinted from the Proc. of the Bristol Naturalists’ Society, vol. XXVII, part IV, pp. 225-268. 1947.
- Rose, Dr H.E. (ed.). Avon Bird Report, 2005. Avon Ornithological Group.
- Rose, Dr H.E. (ed.). Avon Bird Report, 2011. Avon Ornithological Group.
- Lewis, S. Grey Phalarope & Other Waders at Blagdon Reservoir, Somerset. Brit. Birds 27: 233, Jan. 1934.
- Taylor, S.M. Avon Bird Report, 1984. Avon Ornithological Group.
- Tucker, B.W. (ed.). Report on Somerset Birds, 1950. Somersetshire Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc.