(European) Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoeuca (Pallas, 1764)

Mendip Hills, Somerset © Nigel Milbourne 2005

Pied Flycatcher F.h. hypoeuca

Pied Flycatcher F.h. sibirica

  1. One,  not aged, 19th April 1947 (M.J. Wotton).
  2. One, not aged or sexed, 2nd April 1993 (per A.H. Davis).
  3. One,  not aged, 23rd April 1994 (A.H. Davis).
  4. One, not aged or sexed, 14th April to 3rd May 1996 (per A.H. Davis).
  5. One, not aged or sexed, 9th Aug. 1998 (per A.H. Davis).
  6. One,  not aged, 17th April 2000.
  7. One,  not aged, 15th April 2001 (P. Taylor et al.).
  8. One, not aged or sexed, 12th Aug. 2001.
  9. One,  not aged, 13th-14th April 2006.
  10. One, adult , 9th April 2016 (T. Doman et al.).
  11. One, probable , 17th April 2016 (N. Downer. Photographed).

No records have been assigned to sub-species.

Bibliography (sources of information)

  1. Blaythwayt, Rev F.L. (ed.). Report on Somerset Birds, 1947. Somersetshire Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc.
  2. Davis, A.H. (ed.). Avon Bird Report, 1993. Avon Ornithological Group.
  3. Davis, A.H. (ed.). Avon Bird Report, 1996. Avon Ornithological Group.
  4. Davis, A.H. (ed.). Avon Bird Report, 1998. Avon Ornithological Group.
  5. Davis, A.H. (ed.). Avon Bird Report, 2000. Avon Ornithological Group.
  6. Davis, A.H. (ed.). Avon Bird Report, 2001. Avon Ornithological Group.
  7. Davis, H.H. (ed.). Ornithological Notes Bristol District, 1947. Bristol Naturalists’ Society.
  8. Rose, Dr H.E. (ed.). Avon Bird Report, 2006. Avon Ornithological Group.