Red-legged Partridge Alectoris rufa (Linnaeus, 1758) C1

  1. One, not aged, 16th May 1993 (per A.H. Davis).
  2. One, not aged, 14th Sep. 2018 (M. Hynam, N.R. Milbourne).
  3. One, not aged, 2018 (M. Johnson, J. Tonkin).
  4. Two, not aged, 28th March 2019 (N.R. Milbourne).

This species is put down for sporting purposes (shooting) in limited numbers locally. There were a few released at Holt/Lag Farm, certainly around the end of the last century, and possibly before, that might account for these sightings.

Bibliography (sources of information)

  1. Davis, A.H. (ed.). Avon Bird Report, 1993. Avon Ornithological Group.