Short-eared Owl Asio otus [Pontoppidan, 1763]

Short-eared Owl A. o. flammeus

  1. One, not aged, 4th Feb. 1945 (H.J. Boyd, H.H. Davis). See note 1 below.
  2. One, not aged, 5th Jan. 1947 (R.E. Alley, H.J. Boyd, B. King). See note 2 below.

Note 1: One about the plantation near BL on Feb. 4 (H.J.B.) in the Somerset Report, and one was seen hunting at the Ubley end of BL on Feb. 4, 1945 (H.H.D.) according to Ornithological Notes, making this record clearly acceptable.

Note 2: The Report on Somerset Birds, 1947 actually says “one in flight at Blagdon”, and the Ornithological Notes Bristol District, 1947 says “one, Blagdon reservoir, January 5th.”

Bibliography (sources of information):

  1. Blaythwayt, Rev F.L. (ed.). Report on Somerset Birds, 1945. Somersetshire Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc.
  2. Blaythwayt, Rev F.L. (ed.). Report on Somerset Birds, 1947. Somersetshire Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc.
  3. Davis, H.H. (ed.). Ornithological Notes Bristol District, 1945. Bristol Naturalists’ Society.
  4. Davis, H.H. (ed.). Ornithological Notes Bristol District, 1947. Bristol Naturalists’ Society.